IPQ Frontpage

Investing in Ukraine’s Recovery

The country’s current journey from continued resilience toward recovery and reconstruction amidst an ongoing war requires a multi-faceted approach.

Robert Kirchner
Garry Poluschkin
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How to Help Build Peace in Sudan

EU policymakers must support Sudanese civil society—particularly women activists—while simultaneously cutting off weapons supplies to militias and exerting diplomatic pressure on China and the UAE to prevent a catastrophic humanitarian crisis.

Mark Fathi Massoud
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What to Expect from a Labour Government

To the surprise of most, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has called a snap election for July 4. The opposition Labour Party is widely expected to win it.

John Kampfner
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Turbulence Ahead, as Europe Prepares to Vote

Amid all the angst about the far right, there is evidence that voters are taking the European Parliament elections more seriously than five years ago. 

Tony Connelly
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Time for a Franco-German Plan for Ukraine

Germany and France haven’t managed to devise a joint Ukraine strategy. Making good of that missed chance is now essential. It will involve talking about debt. 

Joseph de Weck
Michel Duclos
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Berlin Cable

From Beijing to Kyiv

With his second visit to Beijing to see Chinese President Xi Jinping, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz set himself up for a failure. In contrast, Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck, when visiting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky three days later, had a firmer grasp of realities.

Henning Hoff
Berlin Cable
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Carbon Critical

Editors’ Picks

For NATO to Thrive, Europe Needs to Wake Up

Donald Trump’s possible re-election as US president hangs over the transatlantic alliance like the Sword of Damocles. Europeans need to face facts and build a much stronger European pillar of NATO.

Jana Puglierin
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France’s Olympic Chance

French glamour and pride will be showcased when Paris hosts the Olympic Games this summer—while exposing endemic faults that urgently need fixing.

Nabila Ramdani
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The European Union’s Hungary Problem

The Orbán government’s upcoming presidency of the Council of the European Union has sparked criticism. More important, however, is the question of how the EU deals with a member state that breaks away from the principles of the rule of law.

Thu Nguyen
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On Trade, a Return of Trump Would Spell Trouble for EU

If Donald Trump wins the US presidential election in November, Europeans should once again brace for major transatlantic tensions on trade. An EU policy of strength would be the right response.

Markus Jaeger
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The Bundeswehr Returns to the Indo-Pacific

Germany’s navy and air force are planning to beef up their participation in various military exercises halfway around the world in 2024. This speaks of a clearer strategy vis-à-vis China and the region.

Helena Legarda
Indo-Pacific Watch
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Europe’s Impossible Middle East Mission

The EU has despatched a maritime mission to the Red Sea, in defense of maritime security and the freedom of navigation. Whether or not the root cause—Israel’s war in Gaza—is brought to an end will determine success or failure.

Nathalie Tocci
Quarterly Concerns
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China, Russia, and the War in Ukraine

The Sino-Russian relationship has become a more intractable problem for the transatlantic alliance. The West should continue to concentrate its efforts on Beijing.

Angela Stent
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Deutschland 2030

Germany Needs Real Change. The Key? Climate Policy

The German economy is already paying the price for having put the green energy transition on the backburner. To win the future, it needs four “Ds”: Decarbonization, digitalization, decentralization, and democratization.

Claudia Kemfert
Deutschland 2030
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Germany Needs a New Growth Model

Berlin should fundamentally reset its growth strategy instead of clinging to a model of industrial export corporatism that is flatlining.

Sander Tordoir
Shahin Vallée
Deutschland 2030
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The German Business Model of 2030

By building on its many strengths and addressing its current weaknesses, Germany is entering the decarbonized age at speed.

Jörg Kukies
Deutschland 2030
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